Our Work
Discover Biofuels de México RNG's founders have built an impressive portfolio of renewable energy projects, including a biodigester feasibility assessment, biogas scrubber system design, biodiesel processing award and more.
Biodiesel Processing Award
Won the Shell Petroleum Award for biodiesel processing and use by Grupo Ado, Mexico's largest passenger transportation company.
Food Processing Digester Feasibility Assessment
Conducted a technical, economic and legal evaluation for a 50 ton per day food processing digester at the Central de Abastos in Mexico City, the main market for food and agricultural products in Mexico.
Biogas Scrubber System Design
Designed a biogas scrubber system for the largest brewer in Mexico, Grupo Modelo, to reduce their carbon footprint.
Renewable Energy Projects
The company facilitated various renewable energy projects, including California's first injection project, a sugarcane ethanol plant, a 70 MW solar program for Kaiser Permanente, 20 MW solar program for ProLogis logistics centers, and a renewable energy aggregation program for the World Wildlife Foundation. Additionally, they obtained all regulatory permits for a food processing plant.